An old friend total war warhammer

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This list is not exhaustive, and a significant amount of. See the Nobledark Imperium Introduction and Main Page for more information on the alternate universe This page contains assorted notes on the Nobledark Imperium universe that have not yet been written up into a formalized codex format. So I finally installed that mod, colonized Lashiek and Wizard-Caliph's Palace for him, and gifted them to him, and the AI started actually doing things again. This page is part of the Nobledark Imperium, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. I gifted him like 100,000 gold and he wasn't upgrading the settlement or recruiting or anything, for like 20 turns. I razed Lashiek and Wizard-Caliph's palace so he could take them back, but he just sat with one army on Sorcerer's Isle, and wouldn't move. I originally got the mod because of a campaign where Arkhan lost the Wizard-Caliph's palace and was reduced to just Sorcerer's Isle before I came in to rescue him.

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an assault with a friend, Total War: Warhammer approaches perfection.

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Also the AI for certain factions become catatonic/paralyzed if they lose their starting city ever. Sega has released a new trailer for Total War: Warhammer showing off the new content. I pretty much always use the region trading mod because it's ridiculous not being able to gift regions to allies.Ĭonsidering that region trading was possible in former/older Total War games makes this especially ridiculous. Originally posted by KellyR:There's a region trading mod, but no way to give cities in vanilla.